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Discover the value of ISS/SIC membership as an essential investment in your future career. ISS/SIC offers benefits that inspire, drive and connect us in the translation of science to advance clinical practice and improve the lives of millions of people worldwide. Become a part of our society!

To apply for membership, upload the following forms:

1. CV
2. Proof of identity (passport, identity card, drivers license)
3. Letter of support from:
     National Delegate or Representative
    or  Head of Department
    or  Dean of your institution
    or  Professional College you belong
4. For students ONLY: student card or letter confirming your status

Are you an approved IAES member? For your convenience, kindly upload your CV three times. There is NO need to upload the "proof of identity" and the "letter of support".

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Coupon Code Associated Societies

Membership type: do you want to apply? 1. Medical Doctor* 2. Non-medical Scientist* 3. Medical Student** who have received academic training in, and who are, or have been, engaged as their main professional endeavor in a career involving a recognized field of surgery, anaesthesiology, or life science including the care of the critically ill, research or education. ** in active study at a school of medicine. Students have no voting rights.

Letter of support from: a. National Delegate or Representative b. Head of Department c. Dean d. Professional College you belong

Please upload student card or letter confirming your status


The fees referred to an annual subscription.

To apply for membership, upload the following forms:

1. CV
2. Proof of identity (passport, identity card, drivers license)
3. Letter of support from:
     National Delegate or Representative
    or  Head of Department
    or  Dean of your institution
    or  Professional College you belong
4. For students ONLY: student card or letter confirming your status


IATSIC International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care

IASMEN International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition

BSI Breast Surgery International

ISDS International Society for Digestive Surgery


COSECSA College of Surgeons of East, Central, and South Africa

CSAMM College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine of Malaysia

CSSL College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka

FELAC Federación Latinoamericana de Cirugía

SCGP Sociedad de Cirujanos Perú

RCSE Royal College of Surgeons of England


IASSS International Association of Student Surgical Societies
